
in Winston salem, nc

every new moon and full moon


sound bath meditations

vybrations 🕉️ offers a transformative experience twice a month on every Full Moon and New Moon through the healing power of sound, using scientifically proven frequencies to enhance overall well-being. Each session combines breath-work with instruments like gongs, brass bowls, flutes, electronically produced sound from synthesizers, and more to induce deep meditation, promising a profound journey of self-discovery.

Dress in comfortable attire and bring necessary items for optimal relaxation, such as a yoga mat or padding, pillows, and blankets. Limited spaces are available with soft memory foam padding to ensure a comfortable experience—early arrival is recommended to secure these spots!

We have a limited quantity of complimentary yoga mats, bolsters, pillows, and blankets for your convenience.


$22 per person

Check Instagram, our Schedule page, or Newsletter for dates

yin vybrations

yin yoga + sound bath

Experience the harmonious blend of yin and restorative yoga with a live sound bath in yin vybrations 🕉️✨. This unique class combines deep stretch and restorative postures with real-time, immersive sounds from gongs, flutes, and more promoting flexibility, inner calm, and a meditative state. Room is gently heated to around 80 degrees.

7 PM - 8 PM

$18 per person

Recorded Sound Meditations

Listen to our recorded live sound meditations