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sound baths sound meditation sound healing winston salem vyb studio louie labate gongs

sound baths sound meditation sound healing winston salem vyb studio louie labate gongs

vybrations Sound Meditation
21 Mar 07:30 PM
Until 21 Mar, 08:30 PM 1h

vybrations Sound Meditation


7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

vybrations, our signature Sound Bath Meditations, are at the heart of what makes vyb studio truly unique. Offered multiple times each month, these immersive experiences create a meditative space where you can quiet your mind, nurture your soul, and journey inward.

Our sound bath meditations are guided, meaning you will be verbally led into a meditative state where your awareness will rest on sound. Using a wide variety of instruments—from gongs, guitars, wind instruments, synthesizers, and more—we create a rich and layered soundscape that will support you in releasing tension, calming your mind, and diving deep into the essence of your being.

To enhance your comfort, we provide extra-thick yoga mats, blankets, supportive bolsters, and pillows, allowing the healing vibrations to carry you into a deep state of meditation leading to inner harmony.

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